
“Ananta,” a musical odyssey penned, composed, and performed by Oshin Karki and Synchronous in collaboration with Chomii, has just been released into the auditory cosmos. This enchanting piece embarks on a journey of love, where a seeker sets forth in search of a profound connection. Recorded by the talented duo themselves, the song is brought to life through their heartfelt performance and the collaborative production magic of Chomii and Pozod, Mixed and mastered by SNJV. The recently released track is accompanied by a visually mesmerizing music video directed, shot, and edited by Storenutter, capturing the spontaneity of the creative process within the stunning vistas of Pokhara. Shot in just one day, the music video becomes a testament to the immediacy and authenticity of the artistic collaboration, offering listeners a brief yet profound glimpse into the seeker’s adventure. As “Ananta” graces the airwaves, it invites audiences to immerse themselves in a harmonious blend of music and visuals, where the pursuit of love and self-discovery unfolds in every note and frame.

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